Programming updates

End of November the first non-beta version of Processing (1.0) got released. With it I am using the latest version of Geomerative now (ref 19). Ricard Marxer was so kind as to provide additional functions for me so that I could translate some
fundamental functionality from my previous code.
The preceding versions have features though that I appreciate and that’s why I will keep working with them. Intersection works well and contours have no closure - essential aspects when line-drawing.

Font-metrics and -formatting seem still be some rare topics among programmers. I can apply kerning by bringing in the kerning-pair information out of the metrics file of a font. And I did some very basic alignment for body text that suits my needs. At the same time Christian Rieckoff was working on automatic line-breaking in java what might be worth a bookmark for future plans. (
Christian Rieckhoff educates at the UDK Berlin and held a Processing course on digital fabrication in Summer in which he provided some very helpful code examples.
